Friday, June 4, 2010


As I looked outside the window
lying on my bed
I saw a little puppy
shivering outside in the cold
I rushed out with a blanket
and took him in my lap
he was crying due to hunger
so I brought him a little food.
He ate the food and closed his eyes
so I thought he might have slept
and as I turned to go in
He called me by my name,
I was shocked to hear a puppy speak
so I turned to look at him.
A flash of light blinded me
And he changed into a human being.
He addressed himself as God,
I bent my head in prayer,
He took me in his arms
and said that I was imitating him.
All of a sudden the alarm bell rang
That threw me out of my slumber.
Amazed I realized
that it was just a dream
but it bestowed on me the realization
about what and how to achieve. 

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